Build a BS/MD or Medical Profile in just 3 days Workshop

When: June 18 - 20 (Tuesday - Thursday)

⌚ Time: 9 PM EST

Where you will...

Embark on a transformative journey with us as we unravel the secrets to crafting an exceptional BS/MD profile in just 3 days.

The Challenge Begins...

See what past participants are saying about our BS/MD Program:

“Coach Jo is an excellent instructor that has always brought positive energy to every class. I enjoyed being part of the program because she taught me what to expect when applying to the BS/MD program and colleges. She helped a lot when it came to finding what my interests were and how I can be the best version of myself..”


"To someone that is truly interested in getting into the BS/ MD program, this class is a must. We learn a lot about the application process, what we need to know about applying, and even getting opportunities to volunteer at places!"


“I would recommend this program. But I would only recommend it to people interested in being a doctor. I believe that this program would be helpful for people that want to get into a good college for being a doctor because that is what it is tailored towards and this will help them decide the roadmap that they want to build in order to get in to a good BS/MD or Pre-med college.”


Are you struggling with understanding the complexities of the BS/MD admissions process?

You're not alone...

Our intensive 3-day workshop is designed to equip you with the tools and strategies needed to craft a standout BS/MD profile in just three days.

Workshop Highlights:

Crafting Your Academic Foundation by creating a strategic plan for your high school coursework, focusing on science and math.

Engage in extracurricular activities related to medicine, such as volunteering at hospitals or shadowing physicians.

Familiarize yourself with the application process for BS/MD programs, including deadlines and requirements

What to expect during this workshop?


Our comprehensive training goes beyond the basics, providing guidance on building a competitive profile for BS/MD programs. Sessions go in depth into:

  • Create a comprehensive

    BS/MD profile

    highlighting your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and relevant experiences.

  • Seek out challenging courses, advanced placement (AP) classes, and dual enrollment opportunities.

  • Familiarize yourself with the application process for BS/MD programs, including deadlines and requirements, to ensure a smooth submission.


Our dedicated WhatsApp group connects students and parents alike, creating a vibrant community where everyone can:

  • Share insights and tips

    on the BS/MD admissions process.

  • Discuss challenges

    and find solutions together.

  • Stay motivated through encouragement

    from peers facing similar journeys.

  • Receive updates on new resources, webinars, and workshops directly to your phone.


We offer exclusive giveaways to our community members, including:

  • Free Scholarship Course

    : how to find and apply for opportunities that can significantly reduce college expenses.

  • Guide on Building Extracurricular Profiles:

    Stand out to admissions officers with a guide on developing a strong extracurricular,

  • Free Scholarship Course:

    How to find and apply for opportunities that can significantly reduce college expenses.

  • Honors, and awards profile:

    showcasing your leadership, initiative, and dedication.

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Check out the Details:

Exploring Your Medical Pathways

Introduction to the different paths to medical education: traditional pre-med, BS/MD programs, BS/DO programs and combined degree programs.

Ingredients of a successful BS/MD Candidate

Understanding the holistic approach to BS/MD admissions: beyond academics, emphasizing leadership, service, and passion for medicine.

Navigating the BS/MD Application Process

Overview of the BS/MD application timeline, including deadlines, standardized testing requirements, and interview preparation.JOIN US

I'm Coach Jo!

Dreamer, Mother, Adventurer & Chief Motivator ✨

Hey there! I'm Jothsna Kethar, but my students just call me Coach Jo. A UC Berkeley alum, I wear many hats—Educational Consultant, Study Skills and ADHD Coach, and College Counselor.

I'm on a mission to help parents and students simplify the complicated college admissions. Let's navigate this path and make our kids massively successful!

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3 Day Challenge On

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